Howdy all,
Hows everyone coping with the holiday season the shopping,cooking,planning,traveling and so much more ?
I've been crazily busy planning for my trip to Cleveland and Detroit and I'm sooooooooooooooo excited.I've been going shopping for the perfect winter wear which looks elegant, keeps me warm and still has plenty of material on it to dress me modestly.Now thats a major hassle.Back home in the UAE, I never had problems finding clothes that were long enough to cover my derriere or loose enough on me to look like they were a comfy fit but not the perfect fit where all the curves of my body could be made out.Plus my petit size doesn't help me at all.So been hopping around from Kohl's to Macy's to Forever 21 to Zara's.
Besides all that shopping around, I've been procrastinating on so many posts on my eid affair and post eid.I can be such a lazy bum I know.
Also, I've started posting job vacancies that I find out about through my network in the middle east.The link can be found on my profile
Hmmmm, back to my holiday plans...So my hubby gets off work on thursday.We'll be leaving early morning on friday for cleveland if we do not encounter a snow storm.A day in cleveland then we'll drive on to Detroit.A day or two in Detroit and we might be headed to Chicago if we're not very tired and still upto driving some more.
I'll take pictures of anything crazy I encounter on my trip for my lovely blogger buddies :) and I look forward to hearing all about your holiday plans.
By the way this isnt my happy holidays post.I have another one to post before I leave for the trip.
Crispy Kale Breakfast Bars
2 weeks ago
Have a nice trip :D
Salaam sis, good to hear from you again! It's nice having family at home for the holidays. I hope your trip to Cleveland and Detroit is fun and safe inshaAllah.
For me, the winter is a lot more hijab friendly. I'm a petite size 0 so I can relate to's difficult to find clothes that fits. I don't like having to tailor trousers, skirts, and dresses. Ann Taylor Loft carries a nice range of petite sizes but not all the clothing is modest enough & so do some Banana Republic stores. In the winter I have the benefit of wearing a long coat over wide leg pants. I'd love to go to the UAE someday future hubby (iA) grew up in Abu Dhabi & goes back for business sometimes.
Just had to add, I love your new background. It's so bright and cheery & rainbows are my favorite too, reminds me of how great our Creator is :)
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